Bow Ties & Bandits
Dear friends, We've moved! Join us here: Pastiche

Monday, June 2, 2008

Oh How Remiss

Indeed I have been remiss in taking account of my mundane daily activities. But oh well. Who cares. I'm writing now. No more tears.

So the past couple of months have been rather...mundane. My will to do anything active has been further undermined by the fact that it's allergy season and I want to die. The latest event, however, has created an rather indelible mark on my Fall. A conspiracy of sorts has gone underway in an attempt to prevent me from attending san diego state in the fall. Seeing as DVC accidentally didn't submit my GPA to the Cal Grant geniuses (woopsies), I have no money for school. And thanks to the $5,587,679,888.73/ semester it costs to attend a CSU, I'm at a loss. Literally. No money. Nothing.





Ok so now that that's out of the way...

Who cares.

I'm PRETTY sure God knows what He's doing.

Back to more important topics:

Who misses Creepy Crawlers? Seriously...they were so much fun. I really wish I had some right now. Even though they smelled like molten lava, it was delicious-smelling molten lava. You really can't beat creating your own personal little beasties. Now you have to go buy your own pre-packaged bugs? Laaame.

I say three cheers for fake bugs.

Hurrah. Hurrah. Hurrah.

Oh boy...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

MBA Pictures

(Monterey Bay Aquarium...duh.)
*Two posts in one day?? Whaaattttt......*
I know right? welldrumrollpleaseparumpumpumpum because I found my camera cord! My mom actually found it. As it turns out, it had fallen down behind our computer and was hanging onto the back of it. Real sly, cord. Rrrrreal slyyyy...
So I have some pictures from my trip to the aquarium with Dana to show and explain. many people have to flash an octopus before they put a sign up?

I'm such a creeper.

Curse our reflections getting in the way of the otters.

And THIS is what we were missing...Possessed? I think so...

There's more pictures on my Flickr. And YES I know you can put Flickr pictures on here, but I could only put them as a new post individually.
I'm such a noob.

Near Death Experience #1

Ever since Junior High, I've had issues sleepwalking. I don't mean that I'm one of those creezies that flings themselves off second story windows in their sleep. I just have the occasional bout with walking down the hallway and asking my parents to get me some chocolate cake, or whatnot.
But last night, I almost beheaded myself in my sleep.
At least...that's what I'm going with for this story, seeing as I wasn't actually awake.
It has been ridiculously hot here the past few days. So, I naturally turned my ceiling fan on before I went to sleep. Normally, I wake up in the middle of the night to turn it off, because it'll start doing this weird everytime it turns. Or the whirring will eventually cease to be soothing and start to annoy me so much that I can't sleep. But I made it through the night last night without getting up to turn it off.
Or so I thought.
Until I realized that my fan was OFF when I woke up.

*Kelly! You're crazy! This story is crap!*

Yes...yes...I know. Just shut up and listen.
So there are 2 ways of turning my fan off. Either on the wall with the switch, or on the fan itself with the pull-down string bead thing. Apparantly I had turned the fan off on the wall in my sleep...but I could have stood up on my bed and pulled the string! My head could be in a katrillion little pieces all over my room!
Now I'm scared to go to sleep.

Ok fine. This story was crap. Just read the one in the newspaper tomorrow about the girl who dies by fan impalation.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break Was Of The Devil

Ok fine I'm a liar. I can't stop writing, camera cord or no camera cord.
I guess I'm going to be flying solo with this one. Thanks a lot Cordy.

Welcome to the week after the worst spring break ever. I kid you not.
It started out great. Dana's birthday was Monday (St. Patrick's Day!) and we got all greened-up and celebrated in true Delly and Kana fashion (eating and watching a violent movie, what else?). Then things started to go downhill.
Tuesday was celebrate-Dana's-birthday-by-going-to-the-Monterey-Bay-Aquarium-Day (yes, that is the official name of March 18th), which I was super stoked about. And then, terror struck. Migraine. All day. I couldn't even enjoy all the sugary foods we bought to eat while watching the fish tank. Which, I don't mean to say I didn't eat them. I did. A lot. My threshold for enjoyment was simply lowered. Although I did get some satisfaction out of watching the sunfish. (God, you have a great sense of humor making a fish that looks like it's already been halfway made into a sandwich).
Then Wednesday and Thursday tricked me. They lulled me into a false sense of security by thinking I wasn't really sick, just maybe a little under the weather. Then Thursday night...oh Thursday night. He came. The Flu. He came and bit me. Bit me hard. What a jerk.
So that's how the rest of my spring break went.
Lay in bed.
Don't eat.
Blow your nose.
Drink Theraflu.
Talk about dying.

Now, I just have the remnants of my congestion/lack of appetite as well as a Hitler-esque rubbed red upper lip to show for my spring break.
I hate my life.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm Depressed

I can't blog without my camera. I'm physically incapable of doing it. Technically, I do have my camera, just no camera/computer connecting cord. Until he's found...I can't do this. It's over.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Blog Title

Now. As you may have noticed, I have retitled my blog. There were a couple of key factors um factoring into my decision. See, living in the Bay Area, and not really subscribing to the thug...err...thizz movement, I feel that the new title better describes my life here.
It's not necessarily just about my clothes though. It's really about the gangster (***gAngStA***) life versus the one that I'm currently living. Which is constantly wishing that I wasn't living now. Wait. I don't mean that suicidally. I just mean that almost any other 20th century time period (besides the 90's...ew) is more appealing than now. So Bowties...that would be me in my desire for the classics. Bandits...I think you can figure that one out. Chris Brown himself says it best:"You see this bandana hangin, that means I'm like a bandit. Like-like a bandit bandit."
"But Kelly...if you're not a do you know that song?"
Like oh-em-gee grrrrrrrrrrl.
I'm not going to lie...I do like to occasionally bust out the rap music. But the fact of the matter's not my lifestyle.
And just as an aside...I'd take Cary Grant over Brad Pitt ANY day of the week...and twice on Sundays.

***iM oUT bEezIEs***

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Doctor Doctor Give Me the News

I seriously am always sick. I've grown used to my chronic flucoldallergia, but sometimes it just knocks me on my can. This past week all I did was shuffle around my house mumbling something about dying. The real worst part about being sick, though, is that once you get better, it feels like you have to start your life all over again. I missed classes, didn't clean my house-more specifically my room, which looks like the Wild Rumpus came through-and basically have 14 trashcans full of tissues waiting to be taken out to the trash. I just don't understand why I get sick so often. I eat tons of fruits and veggies now, I wash my hands often enough- but not with too much anti-bac soap, which apparantly is bad now?- geez. what is my problem? Maybe I just need to stop associating with other sick people. Maybe we need to get back to the days where we quarantine sick people. Bring back the leper colonies! Except for Cold people. Coldeez. Wait. That's some kind of drugstore something. Coldists. Ok my brain is still congested...I'll come up with a more clever name later. *blows nose*
I suppose it could be worse. I could have strep throat...for the fourth time...
or I could have the chicken pox...
or get a snake in my boot...
or have my nose fall off like the Sphinx...
or have to wear Art Fern's toupee'...
or be force-fed lima beans. which as cliche' as it is...are disgusting.
I'll just have to stop complaining and go clean my room.

...yeah right...

And just for clarification's sake...this is the Wild Rumpus.

Aren't they adorable?

and Art of Johnny Carson's characters.

This is the only picture that was somewhat non-blurry...and it's blue. What the heck.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ode to Apple

World, meet the Perfect Apple.
Perfect Apple, meet the World.
How deliciously you view the World.
Full of optimism and juicy sweetness.
Untainted by the conniving worms of the world.
But alas, you may be bruised.
Beasts may take a bite out of you until all that's left is your tender core.

How sad.
But how absolutely tasty you were.

R.I.P. Apple. 2/17/08

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cowboys and Indians

Ok let me just start off by saying:
Yes, the term Indian is currently politically incorrect. But seeing as I am neither in politics, nor in possession of vast amounts of time in which I am able to write "Native Americans" repeatedly, I will be using the term "Indian" to refer to those wonderful people who are known as "Native Americans."

I recently came into possession of an Urban Outfitter tunic tee featuring a Chief and some bison and hills and other things that I can't really tell because, well, I'm wearing it right now. And as I was getting dressed this morning (skinny jeans, new shirt, plenty of teal jewelry), I reached a dilemma. Do I go for the boots or the pseudo moccasins? I love my boots and they'd match the western apparel, but is it a conflict of interest? Do I wear my moccasins? Is that too costume-y as Michael Kors would say? I tried on one. Then the other. One on each foot. Lift one foot. Lift the other. Finally, I asked my sister. She would know what to do! She said a definite no on my boots. They look like elf shoes.
That cinched it.
Boots it is.

And here's the shirt:

And my cheesy mcgee outfit:

just as an aside, no I am not 12 feet tall.

And also...I didn't use the term Indian as I thought I would. Go figure.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

school is for fools

What exactly are you supposed to do on a day off? no school. no work. just a giant abyss unfolding in front of you. absolutely endless opportunities to catch up on homework, get some spring cleaning done...OR take the less traveled- and by far more fun- road. pull out your parents' old vinyl records and dance the day away. i periodically take inventory of my parents albums (since you know those records that they accumulated 20 or 30 years ago tend to multiply during the dark days they're alone together), just doublechecking which artists i still love, which i newly love, and which need to be immediately placed back into their cardboard cover never to be seen again (think poco. don't get me wrong...poco's great, but after listening to all TWELVE of their albums...that about enough poco for me thanks.) but there really are some winners in those two album boxes.

time peace: the rascals greatest hits

rod stewart's a night on the town.
(who knew they had that album?)
this is the one with "first cut is the deepest" on it.


beatles box album from liverpool
all of their albums really...but this one encompasses pretty much all of them.

george benson's give me the night

heart's dreamboat annie

this is what my living room looked like.
oh and i was cutting out more magazine pictures for my bulletin boards, hence the massive amounts of glossies on the floor and table.
oh AND that album on the top is bonnie raitt's sweet forgiveness.

all in all...a rather successful- and oh so productive- day.
so go bust out some old records and experience the bliss.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day One

Well, this is officially my first blog. I've recently been inundated with friends, acquaintances, and random men on street corners who insist that blogging is the way to go I am. Being as this is the first of probably many to come, I won't use up all of my absolutely amazing anecdotes now. But never fear, they will show up at a later date. For now, let me just say that one of the most amazing experiences that you can have is making your own food. Not just hey let's throw a box of macaroni on the stove, but full on making up your own recipes. For example: "berry medley"/blackberry/granny smith apple/vanilla ice cream/mocha frappucino smoothies. Hit those up some time. you'll be amazed.
Go make some food.