Bow Ties & Bandits
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break Was Of The Devil

Ok fine I'm a liar. I can't stop writing, camera cord or no camera cord.
I guess I'm going to be flying solo with this one. Thanks a lot Cordy.

Welcome to the week after the worst spring break ever. I kid you not.
It started out great. Dana's birthday was Monday (St. Patrick's Day!) and we got all greened-up and celebrated in true Delly and Kana fashion (eating and watching a violent movie, what else?). Then things started to go downhill.
Tuesday was celebrate-Dana's-birthday-by-going-to-the-Monterey-Bay-Aquarium-Day (yes, that is the official name of March 18th), which I was super stoked about. And then, terror struck. Migraine. All day. I couldn't even enjoy all the sugary foods we bought to eat while watching the fish tank. Which, I don't mean to say I didn't eat them. I did. A lot. My threshold for enjoyment was simply lowered. Although I did get some satisfaction out of watching the sunfish. (God, you have a great sense of humor making a fish that looks like it's already been halfway made into a sandwich).
Then Wednesday and Thursday tricked me. They lulled me into a false sense of security by thinking I wasn't really sick, just maybe a little under the weather. Then Thursday night...oh Thursday night. He came. The Flu. He came and bit me. Bit me hard. What a jerk.
So that's how the rest of my spring break went.
Lay in bed.
Don't eat.
Blow your nose.
Drink Theraflu.
Talk about dying.

Now, I just have the remnants of my congestion/lack of appetite as well as a Hitler-esque rubbed red upper lip to show for my spring break.
I hate my life.

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