Bow Ties & Bandits
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blogging-- Take 2

I know. We were really hot and heavy for awhile. Things cool off, though. It's just natural. But I'm back now. And I hope you can take me back. Because honestly...
I've missed you.
Take me back?

Well...I'll be here. Waiting. Writing.

So I was sitting at the computer the other day, and I glance over to my right and a pile of CD-Roms catch my eye (A. who uses CD-Roms anymore? B. Bright Pink!). And sitting on top of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune is Secret Agent Barbie.
I try not to get too excited, since I don't even know if it will be compatible with our newer computer.
So I pop the CD in....and it runs.
I can't even explain my exultation.

I may or may not have played for over an hour.

But I'm not ashamed. I mean, in what other game do you get to change outfits in the middle of New York City in order to go from Adventure mode to Stealth mode just to hop over a crate.


On a related note...Since when is Teresa a Cullen?
Yes, that's me in the super groovy pink shirt)

1 comment:

Dana said...

haha. yeah i think you were pretty animated about that barbie cd. you are funny. i love you