Bow Ties & Bandits
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thuh-ree Peeeas???

In honor of it being the 3rd day of the week and the 30th day of the 3rd month of the year which when divided by 3 twice equals 223. 333333333333333333333333333333 etc...):

(I don't know a better way to start this out than with these three dynamos)


According to a study done by the World Health Organization in Geneva, nearly one-third of children around the world spend at least three hours or more in front of the computer or watching television.

I find that absolutely preposterous. I certainly haven't been on the computer all day searching for interesting information on the number three while simultaneously catching up on the third season of Chuck.

Crap. I just dropped three of my chips. Now I don't have any left in the Jumbo-Sized bag I opened three hours ago when I started writing this...

(Check out 3:00 minus 0:08)
(And no, I do not endorse swears)

(Why do I not have one [or three] of these???)

One-Third of Relationships Have a Digi-Snoop, and Ladies Are the Worst
What the heck! No one electronically snoops on their partner! Believe me, I would know. No boyfriend I ever had did that.

And I made sure to check their emails, text messages, and call/browser histories, so I know for a fact that that fraction is just not accurate.

I'm really struggling with which Sesame Street clip to end with. They all seem equally bizarre and fantastic.
Choose your own adventure:

Yes, That is Stockard Channing.

Thuh-ree Peeeas???
1 Case of Animal Cruelty Concerning 3 Dogs

Have a three-rific day today.

Go climb a three and listen to the birds three-t!

Until next time kiddos...
Keep it three-l

And three-s don't kill me for these terrible puns.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tyra Tyra Tyra

Apparently the Brooke Shields Brow is back.

And I've missed it for the last 3 weeks! WHAT! Where have i BEEN!?

For the rest of you who missed it, America's Next Top Model started Cycle 14.

How do you even begin to describe this show?
How do you encapsulate the ethereal train-wreck of a show that it is?

It's like playing an early 90's board game that has a bunch of bizarre rules and tasks that you, as a child, completely accept.
(Jumpin' Monkeys, anyone?)

It's like watching a cheerleader mental institution through glass walls.

It's like absolute perfection.

For those of you haven't seen it:
Tall, emaciated, dramatic women who fight and sometimes model

For those of you who have seen it:
I'm pretty sure Angelea would have fit in pretty well back in Cycle 1 when everyone was from the ghetto. (And how did she get back on the show?)
("I cain't go back to Buffalo, I cain't...")

My favorite so far:
Jessica. She's adorable. (But will she be more than just a pretty pageant face? Is she a real model? Can she overcome her resemblance to Bree Turner and Judy Greer?)

Way to start this cycle off with a bang, Tyra.

(This doesn't look like any human sacrifice I've ever seen.)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Roarin' Good Fun!

This girl isn't actually playing Skip It. Her parents tied this as a weight around her ankle to keep her from running away. Here, we see her falling backwards, trying to escape.

I sometimes sing songs from commercials no one else remembers.

Case in Point

I would like to have a study done of all children who used the Skip It on a daily basis.
I have a feeling they're the ones who veer towards you while you're walking next to them, due to extreme muscle build-up in only one leg.

Raising a generation of future freaks, one child at a time.
Well done, Tiger Toys.
Well done.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blogging-- Take 2

I know. We were really hot and heavy for awhile. Things cool off, though. It's just natural. But I'm back now. And I hope you can take me back. Because honestly...
I've missed you.
Take me back?

Well...I'll be here. Waiting. Writing.

So I was sitting at the computer the other day, and I glance over to my right and a pile of CD-Roms catch my eye (A. who uses CD-Roms anymore? B. Bright Pink!). And sitting on top of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune is Secret Agent Barbie.
I try not to get too excited, since I don't even know if it will be compatible with our newer computer.
So I pop the CD in....and it runs.
I can't even explain my exultation.

I may or may not have played for over an hour.

But I'm not ashamed. I mean, in what other game do you get to change outfits in the middle of New York City in order to go from Adventure mode to Stealth mode just to hop over a crate.


On a related note...Since when is Teresa a Cullen?
Yes, that's me in the super groovy pink shirt)