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Saturday, June 5, 2010

This Just In...

Deep in Yarumal, Colombia...
Out from the Andes mountains skulks a new killer.
And no it's not the Yeti.
(which..hello...there is totally valid proof for. See above. )

Apparently Alzheimer's is no longer content to wait out in caves, swooping down only on the old and decrepit. Nono. It has now gained the ability to stalk an entire family.


Like Ted Bundy. Or Mark David Chapman.

The worst part is that even if you know Alzy Alzheimer is stalking you, you'll completely forget after he latches onto your brain and sucks out your memory like a voracious succubus.

But never fear.

One brave Yarmuliulian (that's what they should be called anyway) family is fighting back. "Now, the Colombian clan is center stage in a potentially groundbreaking assault on Alzheimer’s." Armed with rage and no hope, this family is taking on the ultimate villain in the battle of the century.
Not all the clan is on board with the fight, however. One defeatist son says he will poison himself if he gets Alzheimer's.
Well good luck remembering to do it after Alzy takes you over.

Oh wait. I just read this in the article.
"Large families, and intermarriage, have accelerated the spread."

Well way to go guys! Feeding the monster yourselves! Don't you know you can't do that? They start out all cute and innocent

...and then Suddenly Seymour is giving blood to feed his monster. Bing Bang Boom. Done.
Oh yeah and the monster eats people.
This is your fault, incestuous Yarmuliulians. Stop intermarriage-ing and see what happens. Seriously.

1 comment:

Dana said...





