Bow Ties & Bandits
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Girl Legs

I probably shouldn't tell people this, but I spent countless hours trying to find Heidi Klum's workout online.
I mean, I eventually found it, so that's, like, good, right? I'm not the only one out there trying to find it.
Seriously though. Who wouldn't want her body? Just look at these calves:

Rawr...I am sexy German woman who could kill you with my legs.

I really could have just assumed she got those calves, walking in those heels. But she didn't. (As a side note, my family probably mentions at least 3 times per Project Runway episode how fit her calves are. And we always say it in a way that sounds like it's the first time we've ever noticed it and then get indignant if no one responds in an excited enough manner).

But here you all are. Heidi Klum's super hot workout... that I have bookmarked on my computer so I can use it whenever I'm not feeling lazy. And even though I get bored (tired) about halfway through my rounds, it makes me feel awesome knowing that I'm doing Heidi Klum's workout.
Look out world. I don't know if you'll be able to handle this.

1 comment:

Dana said...

your are crazy.

#1. i dont even know what half the work out words mean

#2. donkey? haha

#3. i would never have the patients for this . . . jumping jacks! those are painful.

#4. im going to eat now.