Bow Ties & Bandits
Dear friends, We've moved! Join us here: Pastiche

Thursday, September 30, 2010

ANTM Cycle #...I have no idea

I don't know how I ALWAYS miss the beginning of America's Next Top Model, but here it is again!!!
This girl is so endearingly crazy. Like Stevie Nicks.

Google image search--first picture up. Coincidence?
I think not.

I miss her already.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Terrible Poem Tuesday

I'm in a poetry class this quarter. I have to suffer so you do too. (Not that I don't really mind writing poetry, it's just that whole critiquing poetry thing. How are you supposed to do that? With essays, it's easy. It makes sense or it doesn't. It's grammatically correct or it's not. With poetry, you can do whatever the heck you want. So welcome to my life for the next 10 weeks.)
This week's assignment: Write a direct address to "you."

Give You Away
by Kelly Maitlen

Touch me.

All day
You ignore me.

I try to hold you
But you push me

You want to be near me?
You want my love?


We sleep alone at night.
What makes you think
I want you here now
in the day?

Your body
has no place
next to mine.
This bed
is only big enough
for one.

I am beneath these blankets
to keep you out
not to entice you beneath them.

I just
To sleep.

Have you finally gone?

Keep your whiskers
Off my cheek
And your nose
Out of my ear
And for God’s sake

My head!

You win.

Oh don’t smirk.
You forget
These hands
Are the ones that feed you.
These, the fingers
That scratch your ears.

I know.
I love you, too.

Wake me again tomorrow
And I’ll

(ed., As if you didn't already know I'm a crazy cat lady. Yikes. Might as well end off strong with a picture of my cats, Cricket and Ducky.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Magical Music Monday

Beach House

I saw Vampire Weekend Saturday night (which, hello, amazing) and Beach House opened for them. It got me thinking about what exactly makes one band magical and another simply awesome. Because while Vampire Weekend is one of my favorite bands, they're not exactly magical. Maybe it has to do with being ethereal. And slightly off your rocker. I don't know. Either way...they were one of the best live bands I've ever seen.
(And if you want a completely watered down version of what it's like to have been there when their black backdrop exploded into hundreds of sparkling lights reminiscent of stars --> BING)

Already heard of Beach House? Try

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Letter to Dana

Dear Dana,

Write follow-up chapters to the 3 stories we have concurring on our story blog.



Ps Failure to do so will result in death. Or these people will haunt you.

(Yes, that is my dad in the lower left corner.)

Monday, September 20, 2010

I've Found My New Profession

Ahhhhhhh look at that window seat!!!!!

If it ever goes missing...and I happen to simultaneously go missing...don't bother looking for us. We're going to live a long happy life together out in the woods where it always rains and I have an endless supply of tea and sweaters and pumpkin scented candles. And it's always Fall. And I can play Scrabble in between books. And a cat. There's a cat there somewhere.

Welcome to this week's episode of "This Is Your Life," Crazy Cat Lady edition. Yikes.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Staunch Characters

I watched the remake of "Grey Gardens" recently. Although I don't know if you can truly "remake" a documentary, it turned out wonderfully, I think. I mean, yes, The Edies may be endearing in their lunacy, but while you're watching them, you can't help but wonder how they could possibly have turned out the way they did--which is where the new "Grey Gardens" swoops in to explain what caused their downfall in society. Plus we all learned that Drew Barrymore doesn't have to talk out of the side of her mouth.
On the note of Staunch Characters I love ("staunch" here meaning 1. Firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty,etc., 2. Characterized by firmness, steadfastness, or loyalty 3. Strong; substantial 4. Impervious to water or other liquids)

Santino Rice and Austin Scarlett
Not only are they strong of character, they're also ridiculous. And I'm pretty sure Austin's hair is "impervious to water."

Bonnie Hunt
"Strong and substantial." I'm sure also "loyal" and all that other nonsense, but really...I just love her.

Tim Gunn
I obviously watch a lot of "Project Runway."

"Spellbound" Documentary Contestants
Calm in the face of words they don't know how to spell. I also obviously watch a lot of documentaries. Speaking of which, if you haven't seen this movie, watch it. Now. Seriously. I bet they all know the etymology of the word "staunch," how to spell it, and can use it in a sentence.

John Cleese
Also impervious to water. He was, after all, a newt for a very short while. Although thankfully, he got better.

President Polk (aka "Young Hickory." Not to be confused with Franklin Pierce, "Young Hickory of the Granite Hills." Let's get it right, people.)
No particular reason. I just feel like he was. Oh and there's this interesting fact about him, "Polk survived a gallstone operation at age 17 without anesthesia or antiseptics. Those medical practices were not used at the time."

It would be incredibly narcissistic to include myself in this list, but well, too bad. I just won't include a picture of myself. (How's that for humble?) I've just finally found a word to describe myself that isn't "stubborn" so I'm going to claim it completely.

"...and I tell you if there's anything worse than dealing with a staunch woman... S-T-A-U-N-C-H. There's nothing worse, I'm telling you. They don't weaken, no matter what."--Little Edie

Monday, September 13, 2010

Meet Ziggy

I have a new friend.
Unfortunately, I'm allergic to him.
I discovered this tragedy when I went to sleep with Zigmond the Zorse on my bedside table and awoke to hives all over my legs. As an additional bonus, my throat was swollen and cotton-y.
But thankfully, with him hung safely on my wall we can both live happy healthy lives. I won't get hives and he won't accidentally get stepped on.

Thank you my dear friend Dana for giving him to me. I promise to take care of him. As long as he doesn't try to kill me again, anyway. Otherwise, Ziggy's going down.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer Leftovers

Since Fall is finally (FINALLY) impending , here is my last hurrah to summer. Get out of here, good riddance!

From Albany Bulb--a hippie reserve in Albany:

From housesitting:

I like tomatoes, ok? They were delicious.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Scroogette McDuck Does Her Laundry

This is what happens when you're too cheap to send things to the dry cleaners:

Whatever. I'm happy. The environment is happy (Because we all know how outspoken an advocate I am for the environment. Pfft). Plus, my clothes smell like fresh air, flowers and the neighbor's vanilla pipe tobacco.
Only downside: Having to de-house the spiders and other creatures that think I leave my clothes out for their living pleasure. Fools.