Ever since Junior High, I've had issues sleepwalking. I don't mean that I'm one of those creezies that flings themselves off second story windows in their sleep. I just have the occasional bout with walking down the hallway and asking my parents to get me some chocolate cake, or whatnot.
But last night, I almost beheaded myself in my sleep.
At least...that's what I'm going with for this story, seeing as I wasn't actually awake.
It has been ridiculously hot here the past few days. So, I naturally turned my ceiling fan on before I went to sleep. Normally, I wake up in the middle of the night to turn it off, because it'll start doing this weird click.click.click.click. everytime it turns. Or the whirring will eventually cease to be soothing and start to annoy me so much that I can't sleep. But I made it through the night last night without getting up to turn it off.
Or so I thought.
Until I realized that my fan was OFF when I woke up.
*Kelly! You're crazy! This story is crap!*
Yes...yes...I know. Just shut up and listen.
So there are 2 ways of turning my fan off. Either on the wall with the switch, or on the fan itself with the pull-down string bead thing. Apparantly I had turned the fan off on the wall in my sleep...but I could have stood up on my bed and pulled the string! My head could be in a katrillion little pieces all over my room!
Now I'm scared to go to sleep.
Ok fine. This story
was crap. Just read the one in the newspaper tomorrow about the girl who dies by fan impalation.